For Participants


What kind of topics are discussed in the Life! program?

The Life! program covers topics such as nutrition, physical activity, general wellbeing, stress management and sleep hygiene. 

Is the Life! program offered to people who already have diabetes?

The Life! program is not available for people who are living with diabetes. The Life! program is a prevention program, offered to people who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. The program equips people with lifestyle modifications and support to reduce their risk. 

If you are living with diabetes please access the Nations Diabetes Service Scheme (NDSS) services with Diabetes Victoria here or visit our ‘Find a Health Service’ for more services in your area. 

What happens during each session in the Group Course and Telephone Health Coaching? 

Please refer to the Life! program website to find out more about what is covered in each session. 

How often do I receive a phone call in the Telephone Health Coaching program? 

The Telephone Health Coaching Service includes a series of 7 phone calls. 

You will receive one phone call every three to four weeks, within the first six months. Your 12-month follow-up call is one year after you first commenced the program. You cannot have more than a four-week gap between each of your first six phone calls. 

How frequently are the Group Course sessions held? 

There are six sessions in total during the group course.  

The first session is a 1:1 introductory session with a Health Professional (group facilitator). This is then followed by four group sessions held fortnightly after you complete your Introductory Session.  

After session 4, there is a four-month gap prior to session 5, around 6 months into the program.  The 12-month follow-up session is one year after you start the program. 

What if I would like to switch from the Group course delivery to Telephone Health Coaching, or vice versa? 

You can only switch to a different type of program delivery before or after an Introductory Session. If you have commenced the program at or after session 1, you will be unable to change the delivery option of your program. 

What happens if I miss a Group session? 

Your Facilitator will get in touch with you to organise a catch up prior to your next session. This will be a short 1:1 catch up with some additional resources.

How do I reschedule a Telephone Health Coaching appointment? 

You need to contact the Life! office on 03 8648 1880 or get in touch with your Health Coach via email, preferably a minimum of 24 hours before an appointment. 

What sort of qualifications do facilitators and health coaches have? 

Our facilitators and health coaches are registered with their governing body and fully qualified Allied Health Professionals, such as:  

  • Physiotherapists 
  • Nutritionists 
  • Dietitians 
  • Exercise Physiologists 
  • Diabetes Nurse Educators  

We can advise you of your facilitator/health coach’s qualifications once you choose your enrolment option. 

Do I have to wear a facemask when attending a face-to-face program?

All COVID-19 restrictions and requirements are in line with the recommendation of the Victorian Government at the time.  

Please check the Victorian Government website for any updates and changes on the requirement for facemasks in a healthcare setting. Please note, facemask requirements are subject to change.  

If you are unsure, please get in touch with your facilitator. 

What happens if I get diagnosed with COVID-19 during or after a face-to-face program delivery? 

If you are feeling unwell at the time of your session, we ask that you get in touch with your facilitator as soon as possible, prior to attending your session.  

It is always safer to stay home if you are feeling unwell, even if you have recently returned a negative test result. 

You must notify your facilitator and they will advise you about their COVID19safe plan. Please always follow the latest National and State government regulations for COVID19 management.  

You may need to participate in an individual 1:1 catch-up. If you participate in an online group course and you are well enough to attend, you can still do so.

What happens if I am unable to download a digital workbook? 

Please contact the Life! office on 03 8648 1880 or notify your health coach/facilitator. 

We can arrange for a link to a digital version to be sent to you via email or we can post a hard copy workbook to your address. 

How can I create my Life! Online account?  

Once you have booked the introductory session, you will receive a link to create your Life! Online account. Click on this link and finalise your account by creating a password. If you have not received this email, please contact your facilitator or email us. 

How can I log into my Life! Online account?  

You can access your Life! Online account here and enter your email and password. If you have trouble logging in, please get in touch with your facilitator, health coach, or email us. 

For Providers


Who can become a Life! provider? 

To become a Life! provider, an organisation will need: 

  • An ABN 
  • Public liability and indemnity insurance 
  • To meet the required program standards 

Health professionals can also apply to become a Life! provider if they meet the above requirements. 

For more information, find out how you can get involved

What qualification is needed to become a Life! facilitator? 

Our Life! facilitators come from a variety of allied health backgrounds and include exercise physiologists, physiotherapists, nurses, dietitians and other eligible Health professions.  

To become a Life! facilitator, health professionals need to have: 

  • Current and appropriate qualifications 
  • Professional experience in group facilitation / behaviour change methodology 
  • Established relationships with primary health care, community health and allied health practitioners 
  • Demonstrated capacity to engage participants who may be eligible for the Life! program 

Health professionals must have an affiliation with a Life! provider (organisation) or be registered as a private provider with a supporting ABN number. 

Find out more information here. 

How can we search for face-to-face groups in our local area? 

This information cannot be found on our website.  

If you have a referral request for a face-to-face group, you must send your referral to the Diabetes Victoria Help Centre team. Send your message here or call 137475 to get in touch with the Diabetes Victoria Help Centre. 

Does the facilitator get an incentive for delivering the program? 

Yes, Life! offers a financial incentive to provider organisations of the Life! program.
Facilitator payment is dependent on organisational structure.  

For more information, please contact us here.  

How can I become a facilitator or health coach? 

For group courses, you can register your interest here. For health coaching, please register your interest here. 

You will also need to complete information about your organisation.

Where can I find the provider Expression of Interest form? 

You can register your interest here. 

What kind of COVID-19 safety measures does the facilitator take when delivering the program in person? 

All COVID-19 safety measures, restrictions and requirements are compliant with the recommendation of the Victorian Government at the time. For further information, please visit the Victorian Government website.

Does a GP clinic receive an incentive for referring a patient? 

Yes, Life!offers a financial incentive for GPs to refer eligible patients into the Life! program. For more information, please contact our Primary Care Engagement Coordinator, Elleni Kaias. 

Does a Pharmacy receive incentive for referring a customer? 

Yes, Life! offers a financial incentive for pharmacists to refer eligible patients into the Life!program. For more information, please contact our Primary Care Engagement Coordinator, Elleni Kaias. 

For Workplaces


Where are the group sessions held?  

The group sessions can be delivered onsite at your workplace for your employees or delivered online.  

When are the group sessions held 

In workplaces the Life! program can be run weekly with each program session topic split over two weekly 45-minute sessions (instead of 90-minute fortnightly sessions).  This ensures the program can be easily delivered within work hours without negatively impacting productivity.  

Can we see our employees’ outcomes after the completion of the program?  

Your workplace can be provided with a de-identified report of the outcomes your employees have achieved following the completion of the group course.  

What happens if an employee misses a group session?  

The group course facilitator will get in touch with the individual participant to organise a catch up prior to the next session. This will be a short 1:1 catch up with some additional resources. 

What happens if some of our employees are not eligible?  

The Life! program has numerous eligibility criteria and program options to ensure an offering is available for as many individuals as possible however some individuals still might not be available through this for a number of reasons. If this is the case please contact us as there are options available to allow employees to sit in on the group sessions. 

You can find out more information and enquire into a group course at your workplace here.