For Health Professionals

  • Refer your patients or clients

    The Life! program can help your patients or customers get their health on track

  • Order a resource

    Order your Life! program resources and healthy lifestyle fact sheets here.
    Orders are for Victoria only

General Practitioners

The Life! program can help your patients get their health on track 

Participants can choose the Life! telephone health coaching service or the group course. The group course is available online (via webinar on zoom) or face-to-face. The program is also available in Chinese, Vietnamese, and Arabic. 

General practitioners (GPs) play a critical role in the community for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention. You can feel confident in referring your at-risk patients into the Life! program, as your patients will benefit from practical evidence-based advice to adopt healthy behaviours and lead a more active lifestyle. 

Our health professionals will work with your patients to learn more about: 

  • Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke 
  • Healthy eating 
  • Physical activity 
  • Stress management and wellbeing 
  • Goal setting and managing lapses 

Is there a reimbursement for referring patients into the Life! program? 

Yes, Life! offers a financial incentive for GPs to refer eligible patients into the Life! program. 

For more information contact our Primary Care Engagement Lead at or 13 7475

Identifying eligible patients  

Your patients need to meet the Life! eligibility criteria to participate in the program.    

Patient eligibility and referral pathway 

Tools are available from both POLAR and PenCS to support the identification of patients at both the point of care and through clinical summary reports.  

Available Clinical Decision to Support Tools  

Referring patients  

Patients can be referred via eReferrals, email or fax.  

Referrals can be sent electronically and securely via the Life! eReferral portal or BPAC SeNT.  

  • The Life! eReferral portal enables you to monitor your referrals and stay updated on their progress. For more information or to access the eReferral portal, email
  • BPAC SeNT is available to GP clinics in the Murray PHN catchment area. More information is available on the Murray PHN website. 

Fax and email referrals 

For referrals via fax and email, please follow these steps:  

  1. Access theLife! PDF referral form or download a referral template in your clinical software: 

    The Life! GP referral form is available as a template in the following medical software programs: 

 Please note: Do not open the GP referral templates until they have been imported into your clinical software program as this may result in the corruption of coding. Right click on the file and select ‘Save Link As’. Go to the folder or location on your hard drive where you would like to save the template and click ‘Save’ 

  1. Attach a blood pathology report to the referral within 12 months of referral date:
  • Fasting Blood Glucose (or HbA1c) 
  • Lipid Profile (TC/TRIG/HDL/LDL) 
  1. Attach a completed AUSDRISK form to the referral if referring patient through Criteria A

Fax or email the documentation to 03 9667 1757 

A Life! program success story

I find the Life! program is fantastic for my high-risk patients. It gives them structured support and teaches them practical skills to enable them to choose healthier foods. Focusing early on preventing diabetes makes so much sense than dealing with diabetes once it’s established.

Dr Marich, Mount Martha Village Clinic


The Life! program can help your customers get their health on track, even during the current coronavirus pandemic.

They can choose the Life! telephone health coaching service or the group course. The group course is available online (via webinar on zoom) as well as face-to-face.

Pharmacists play a critical role in the community for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention.

You can feel confident in referring your at-risk customers into the Life! program, as your customers will benefit from practical evidence-based advice to adopt healthy behaviours and lead a more active lifestyle.

Our health professionals will work with your customers to learn more about:

  • Healthy eating
  • Physical activity
  • Stress management and wellbeing
  • Goal setting and managing lapses
  • Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke

Is there a reimbursement for referring patients into the Life! program?

Yes, Life! offers a financial incentive for pharmacists to refer eligible customers into the Life! program. For more information contact our Primary Care Engagement Coordinator at or 13 7475

Interested in referring your customers?

Referring your customers into the program is a simple process:

1. To refer your customers, follow the steps in the Customer Eligibility and Referral Pathway document 

2. Download this form to start referring your customers. You can also order paper-based referral forms in the ‘Order Resources’ section of the Life! website.

3. Attach a completed AUSDRISK form if referring a customer through Criteria A

4. Fax or email the documentation to (03) 9667-1757 or email it to

For more information about the Life! program please refer to our information sheet for pharmacies.

Case study

“Offering our customers the AUSDRISK test (a simple and quick test that can be done in the pharmacy) has a big impact on increasing Life! program participants and increasing knowledge and awareness among those who are at high risk of type 2 diabetes.” – Kathryn Fischman, Manager UFS Bridge Mall

Read more about UFS Dispensaries’ experience with referring customers to the Life! program

Allied Health Practitioners

The Life! program can help your patients get their health on track, even during the current coronavirus pandemic.

They can choose the Life! telephone health coaching service or the group course. The group course is available online (via webinar on zoom) as well as face-to-face.

Allied health professionals play a key role in community type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention.

You can feel confident in referring your at-risk customers into the Life! program, as your customers will benefit from practical evidence-based advice to adopt healthy behaviours and lead a more active lifestyle.

Our health professionals will work with your customers to learn more about:

  • Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke
  • Healthy eating
  • Physical activity
  • Stress management and wellbeing

Interested in referring your patients?

1. To refer, follow the steps in the Customer Eligibility and Referral Pathway document.

2. Download the referral form to start referring your patients. You can also order paper-based referral forms in the ‘Order Resources’ section of the Life! website.

3. Attach a completed AUSDRISK form if referring a patient through Criteria A

4. Fax or email the documentation to (03) 9667-1757 or email it to

Please note, if you are a health professional working in general practice please use the GP referral form.

  • Physical Activity Tip Sheet

    Maximum order 30

  • CALD Vietnamese Brochure – English – A5

    Provides an overview of the Vietnamese Life! program in English – A5 booklet.

  • CALD Vietnamese Brochure – Vietnamese – A5
  • CALD Chinese Brochure – Simplified Chinese – A5

    Provides an overview of the Chinese Life! program in Simplified Chinese – A5 booklet.

  • CALD Chinese Telephone Health Coaching Flyer – A4

    A two-page flyer that provides an overview of the Chinese Telephone health Coaching program in Simplified Chinese, including how to get started with the program and a QR code.

  • CALD Arabic Brochure – Arabic – A5 

    A brochure that provides an overview of the Arabic Life! program in Arabic language – A5 booklet. 

  • Life! Increase your Energy and Sleep A3 Poster – for GP Clinics

    A one-page A3 poster with program QR code.

  • The Life! program PCOS Brochure

    Provides an overview of the PCOS Life! program in a 8-page booklet. 

  • The Life! Program PCOS Flyer – A4

    A two-page flyer that provides an overview of the Life! program, including how to get started and a QR code. 

  • Life! Health Living Session Poster – A3

    A one-page A3 poster to use when organising a Life! program healthy living session.

  • Life! Healthy Workplace Flyer

    A two-page flyer that provides an overview of the Life! program, including a summary of our workplace offerings.

  • Case study: Life! at Metro Trains
  • Case Study: Life! at Consortium Private Wealth
  • Chinese Life! Increase your Energy and Sleep Poster – A3

    A one-page A3 poster in Simplified Chinese, with program QR code.

  • Two-side Life! Referral Form – For GPs only

    (A4 pads with 50 sheets)
    For GPs only

  • Life! Waist Measurement Flyer

    A4 flyer that helps people measure their waist circumference for the AUSDRISK test.

  • Life! Risk Flyer with BMI Chart

    Double-sided flyer with AUSDRISK test, BMI chart and contact details

  • Life! postcard

    Double-sided postcard with general Life! program information and contact details.

  • Healthy Eating Tip Sheets

    Maximum order 30

  • Life! brochure

    Provides an overview of the Life! program – A5 booklet

  • Two-side Life! Referral Form – For Health Professionals

    With Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool (A4 pads with 50 sheets)
    For Health Professionals

  • Information for Pharmacists

    Resource for Pharmacists to learn more about the Life! program

  • Information for GPs

    Resource for GPs to learn more about the Life! program

  • GDM Brochure – A5

    Provides an overview of the GDM Life! program– A5 booklet. 

  • GDM Flyer – A4

    A two-page flyer that provides an overview of the GDM program, including how to get started with the program and a QR code. 

  • GDM Poster – A3

    A one-page poster that gives an overview of the GDM program in English language 

  • GDM Vietnamese Brochure – English – A5

    A brochure that provides an overview of the GDM Vietnamese Life! program in English – A5 booklet.

  • GDM Vietnamese Flyer – Vietnamese – A4

    A twopage flyer that provides an overview of the Vietnamese GDM program in Vietnamese language, including how to get started with the program and a QR code.

  • GDM Vietnamese Flyer – English – A4

    A twopage flyer that provides an overview of the Vietnamese GDM program in English language, including how to get started with the program and a QR code. 

  • GDM Vietnamese Brochure – Vietnamese – A5

    A brochure that provides an overview of the GDM Vietnamese Life! program in Vietnamese – A5 booklet. 

  • GDM Vietnamese Poster – Vietnamese – A3

    A one-page poster that gives an overview of the Vietnamese GDM program in Vietnamese language. 

  • GDM Vietnamese – Poster – English – A3

    A one-page poster that gives an overview of the Vietnamese GDM program in English language. 

  • Life! GP Referral Form – Best Practice
  • Life! GP Referral Form – MD
  • Life! GP Referral Form – ZedMed
  • Life! GP Referral Form – Genie

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