Life! is a behaviour change and healthy lifestyle program funded by the Victorian government and managed by Diabetes Victoria. The program helps participants gradually make small changes to their daily habits to achieve long-term goals. It is delivered by health professionals like dietitians and exercise physiologists.
We offer a modified version of the English program for our culturally and linguistically diverse communities. A tailored version of the program is also available to Chinese, Vietnamese and Arabic communities and delivered by bi-lingual facilitators.
We deeply appreciate your support as we strive to create a brighter future where diabetes can do no harm and have made it easy for you to share information about the Life! program on your social media and other channels.

English translation
The Life! program has empowered over 75,000 individuals to transform their health and well-being.
Are you ready to be the next success story? Join us now and take the first step towards a healthier and happier you!
Check if you qualify today.

Thực hiện bước đầu tiên để trở thành một người khỏe mạnh hơn với sự hướng dẫn riêng cho quý vị được phục vụ bởi đội ngũ chuyên gia dinh dưỡng và chuyên viên thể dục sinh lý học.
Đăng ký tham gia chương trình Life! hôm nay. Tốt nhất là gì? Nó hoàn toàn miễn phí.
Hãy kiểm tra hôm nay xem quý vị có đủ tiêu chuẩn tham gia không.
English translation
Take the first step towards a healthier you with personalised guidance from our team of dietitians and exercise physiologists.
Enrol in the Life! program today. Best of all? It is completely free.

لقد مكّن برنامج Life! أكثر من75,000 فرداً من تغيير صحتهم ورفاهيتهم.
هل أنت مستعد لأن تكون القصة الناجحة التالية؟ اشترك معنا الآن واتخذ الخطوة الأولى نحو تمتعك بصحة وسعادة أفضل!
تحقّق اليوم فيما إذا كنت مؤهلاً.
English translation
The Life! program has empowered over 75,000 individuals to transform their health and well-being.
Are you ready to be the next success story? Join us now and take the first step towards a healthier and happier you!

Begin your journey to a healthier self by receiving personalised advice from our team of dietitians and exercise physiologists.
Join the Life! program now. The best part? It’s absolutely free.
Check out the resources to promote the Life! program in English here. We also have the resources to promote the Life! program for gestational diabetes.
Please contact us on or 13 74 75 if you wish to receive further information about the Life! program or are interested in helping us promote Life!.